Pololu Qtr Reflectance Sensors
Sensors Agriculture value added per worker is calculated as the total agricultural value added divided by the number of people employed in agriculture. For the majority of countries, female land ownership represents less than 30 percent of total ownership. However, this has significant variation across the world, without a strict continental pattern. Overall, we see the highest rates of female ownership in Europe, however Botswana and Malawi both have ownership shares greater than 30 percent. Three quarters of the labor force in a poor country like Madagascar are employed in agriculture. MICROBES, though they have a bad press as agents of disease, also play a beneficial role in agriculture. For example, they fix nitrogen from the air into soluble nitrates that act as natural fertiliser. Understanding and exploiting such organisms for farming is a rapidly developing part of agricultural biotechnology. In 2015, they adopted a historic decision to abolish agricultural export subsidies ...